How to Become a Pro in the Organization of Your Kitchen?

4 minutes
Aren't you dreaming of the day you will stop getting headaches because you don't know where to put everything in your kitchen? We got 9 awesome tips to become a real organization pro!

How to Become a Pro in the Organization of Your Kitchen?

Since I live in apartments, I always had VERY small kitchens. It never really bothered me until I started cooking more often. For about three years now, I have been cooking my meals and snacks daily. With my blog, where I mainly share my recipes, cooking has become my job. Creating recipes also comes with buying various ingredients, which makes my kitchen more and more cluttered. Every Sunday when I come home from the grocery store, it really feels like I'm playing Tetris!

If you have a tiny kitchen like me, then my little kitchen organizational tips can help...

1. Use ALL available space

Maximizing your kitchen space is essential: from floor to ceiling, in the back or on top of cabinets, directly on the pantry floor (mainly for cans), on top of the refrigerator, etc.

2. Have custom made storage

Do you have an unused small corner in your kitchen where no furniture can fit in? Create it! This is what we did in our kitchen (between the oven and the wall). We made a small triangular cabinet with three shelves that offer us a lot of storage!

3. Maximize the walls

Too often, we forget about the walls in the kitchen. Add shelves, bars and supports. This will allow you to store your spices and hang your cups, for example.

4. Optimize cabinets and pantry

Thanks to food storage pots, jars and baskets! My pantry is full of them. For example, I have a spice basket, one for starches (pasta, rice, quinoa, etc.), one for my coffee capsules, etc. You will be able to fill all your pantry without getting lost. Also, putting some foods in glass jars permits extended preservation while saving space (such as emptying a large quinoa bag).

5. Sorting and cleaning OFTEN

I clean my fridge, pantry and cabinets about once a month. Getting rid of old food and giving away dishes that haven't been used for years saves more space!

6. Use collapsible or stackable objects

You will save a lot of space by using a collapsible (or rollable) dish rack and containers. Also, don't hesitate to stack your cookware and other items in your cabinets (like cups and bowls).

7. Aim for minimalism

A bit like my point about giving away dishes to make room, focus on the essentials. Keep only the dishes, utensils and accessories that you use regularly.

8. Simple and minimalist decoration

I wish I could have nice, big decorations in my kitchen! Unfortunately, the space on the counters is terribly missing... So I opt for small decorations like teeny tiny plants or small candles to brighten up the room.

9. Use a sideboard (if possible)

There are many choices of sideboards on the market that are inexpensive and can provide a lot of extra storage. Those on casters are ideal for moving around and avoiding getting in the way.

I hope my advices will make you enjoy your small kitchen a bit more!

By Katia Bricka
Writer at RAW Nutritional


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