Veganism: Can you tell me more about it?

4 minutes
Let's delve into some practical tips for integrating more plant-based goodness into your meals this spring. While "plant recipes" doesn't always equate to "veganism," exploring plant-based eating can be a flavorful journey filled with inspiration and a focus on meeting our nutritional needs.


What is vegans' favourite weapon? The rocket (roquette) launcher.💥

After having discouraged you with this bad joke, we give you hope by offering some tips for integrating more plants into your menu this spring.

Who says "plant recipes" does not automatically say "veganism." Vegans do not ingest any animal products and get their nutrients exclusively from plants. Exploring plant-based eating does not require adhering to a specific diet, but it happens best with inspiration and a concern for meeting our needs.

For this 1st of 4 articles about vegan nutrition, here are our top 5 plant-based suggestions to vary from good old shepherd's pie without neglecting proteins:

1. Textured vegetable protein: made from defatted soy flour, this protein is sold in small to large pieces for a more or less "meaty" texture. Its mild taste allows it to be used in savoury AND sweet recipes.

A texture similar to ground meat is obtained when it is rehydrated, allowing it to be used to cook spaghetti sauces and burgers. Grinding it into powder allows you to replace part of the flour in muffins or banana bread, improving their protein and fibre content.

It can be found in grocery stores in bulk or bags in the organic food aisle.

2. Seitan
: worst nightmare for people who have celiac disease; this protein is cooked from gluten flour (which can also be found in bulk grocery stores). You can shape the seitan yourself (it's quick) or buy it at the grocery store (even faster!).

Gluten is a protein in wheat, so seitan is a high-protein food! Its meaty texture makes it an ideal candidate to replace meat in a butter chicken recipe, a plate of charcuterie, or even a distinguished roast for your vegetarian guests.

3. Plant-based protein powder: Versatile and practical for busy people, plant-based protein powder shines when used as an ingredient. For example, it considerably improves the protein content of pancakes, pancakes, cakes, and other concoctions that usually need to be more filling. It also calms a craving when mixed with water or a plant-based drink to make a shake.

Pro tip: choosing a powder with a neutral taste allows you to add it almost everywhere: neither seen nor known!

4. Lupins: Lupins, or lupini for fancy, are round, yellow, and flat legumes. As rich in protein as soybeans, lupini (we admit our fancy side) are often served in brine. This combination of salty, moist, and protein can remind imaginative veggies of cheese curds and make them an excellent source of protein for salads and sunny appetizers.

5. Tofu: Tofu's most significant flaw (its bland taste) is also its best asset! This means that you can literally use it for anything. You can even MAKE a sauce out of it.

2 tips for getting started with tofu:

#1 Cut it into uneven pieces with your hands, then coat it with cornstarch before cooking. It will then take on a crispy exterior and retain its tender interior.

#2 Select the right texture! Extra-firm tofu has more protein and is ideal for replacing meat in a stir-fry or stew. On the other hand, semi-firm or soft tofu is perfect in sauces or miso soup.

We invite you to stay tuned for the next three articles in this serie, where we will discuss combining an active lifestyle with dietplant, recommended (and not recommended) supplements, and finally, how to combine pleasure by veganizing your diet.

By Nicolas Leduc-Savard, Dt.P., M.Sc., Dietitian – Sports nutritionist


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