When Is The Best Time To Workout?

4 minutes
Should we try to make our schedule match our workout or make our workout match our schedule? Find out different factors that affects the best time to workout for YOU. Each person has his perfect exercise times!
When is the best time to workout?

Establishing THE best time to workout can make a big difference in your motivation, your energy level, and even your training results.

Often, the timing of the training is not necessarily thought. We always started to do it, for example, in the evening, and we continue to do so without asking questions. Sometimes we also just do it when we have free time.

However, as mentioned above, it's worth thinking about it for a few moments. This is what we are going to do in this article.

Here are several things that can help you determine when is the best time to work out:
  • Depending on your type of training
The type and intensity of a workout can help you decide when it would be best to do it.

More intensive training, such as HIIT (high-intensity interval training), cardio or a just good workout, will be more beneficial in the morning than in the evening. Indeed, after these workouts, you will feel an increase in your energy. It’s more interesting to feel it during the day than at night before going to bed. It is even advisable, for better sleep, not to train in the evening (unless you go to bed later).

For a more gentle workout, such as restorative yoga or a stretching session, it may be more beneficial to do it in the evening. Generally, this kind of training will calm you down. It’s excellent for quietly preparing for sleep.
  • Depending on the effects on your body
Despite what is mentioned in the previous point, you should also know the effects that your workouts have on your body.

For example, even if it is not advisable to train in the evening, it may still be advisable in your case. You may feel too stressed without training. Training is then a way to relieve stress. You feel more relaxed afterward than before. If this is the case, and you are aware of it, and your training does not affect your sleep, then continue training in this way.

A Little Tip: If you recognize yourself in the example above, it might also be worth trying meditation. In this way and with practice, you can reduce your stress throughout the day.
  • Depending on your energy level
Listen to your body signals.

If you finish working and you are exhausted, it may not be the best idea to go for an intense workout. In the long run, you may only drain your energy barrel. During this time, you could try to train in the morning or during your lunch break. Maybe it will give you a bigger dose of energy for your day? Otherwise, you could do a more gentle workout in the evening.
  • According to your schedule and environment
These are, of course, important factors to take into account in your thinking.

On the other hand, try to ask yourself this question: "Do I really don't have the time, or is it that I don't take the time?"

It is often easier to make room in our agenda for our priorities. Ask yourself if training and health are priorities for you? If so, try to take a fresh look at your agenda and schedule.

Remember- Another important point to mention is the routine aspect. When you have found when is THE best time to train, it is then advisable to keep it as much as possible. By always training around the same time, it will become a habit and help you to be more motivated. You will realize that it will become easier and easier to train and have fun doing it.

By Priscilia Vaillancourt
Writer at RAW Nutritional


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