Butterscotch & Chocolate Cookies

25 minutes
Who doesn't enjoy warm cookies that are soft on the inside and slightly crispy on the outside? These are delectable, and with their melted dark chocolate topping, you won't get enough!

Butterscotch & Chocolate Cookies

All caramel lovers should absolutely make this recipe. The taste is crazy, but above all, the texture is perfect. These cookies are tender on the inside and slightly crunchy on the outside!

Like every recipe created with the Vegan Pro, each cookie has a little extra protein making them more nutritious.

Ingredients (10 cookies)

3/4 cup Unbleached all-purpose flour
1 scoop Vegan Pro - Butterscotch
1/2 tsp Baking soda
1/4 tsp Salt
2 tbsp Cornstarch
3 tbsp Water
1/3 cup Vegetable margarine, softened
1/3 cup Pure Organic Coconut Sugar
2 tsp Vanilla extract
1/4 cup Dark chocolate chips


1. Preheat the oven to 350 °F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. In a bowl, combine the flour, Vegan Pro, baking soda and salt. Reserve.

3. In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in the water.

4. In a large bowl, with a whisk, combine the margarine and sugar. Add the starch mixture and the vanilla. Mix.

5. Stir in the dry ingredients, blend with a spatula, and add the chocolate chips. Mix again.

6. Form 10 balls and place them on the baking sheet. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes in the oven.

7. Lightly mash the cookies with a fork. The chocolate chips should spread over the cookies (like in the picture). Let cool on the baking sheet or a cooling rack.

By Katia Bricka
Writer at RAW Nutritional


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