Cookies N' Cream Popcorn with a Pinch of Fleur de sel
Cookies N' Cream Popcorn with a Pinch of Fleur de sel
Alert to all the Sweet & Salty combination lovers, we have THE recipe for you with only 4 ingredients. This is the perfect balance between the sweetness of maple syrup and Cookies N' Cream vegan protein and the savory fineness of fleur de sel. One bite, and you can't stop anymore!
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking time: -
2 tbsp Vegan Pro - Cookies N' Cream
1 tsp Maple syrup
1 tsp Fleur de sel

1. If needed, bake the popcorn accordingly to the instructions on the bag.
2. In a large bowl, add all the ingredients, then mix to coat the popcorn.
3. Serve immediately.
By Your Wellness Corner
Writers at RAW Nutritional