Creamy and Tasty Cookie Smoothie

5 minutes
Cookies for breakfast? Yes, please! This Creamy and Tasty Cookie Smoothie recipe is your dream come true! Its texture is perfection, and its taste is just enough sweet but not too much to drink first thing in the morning. And it's also great for your digestion!

Creamy and Tasty Cookie Smoothie

I've been using the Vegan Pro for almost three years now, and the Cookies & Cream flavour is one of my favourites. Cookies are one of my favourite sweets, and I can guarantee that the cookie taste is 100% present in this vegan protein powder.

Of all the protein powders I've tried, Vegan Pro is the best for my digestion! In addition to being vegan, it is gluten-free, lactose-free, soy-free, peanut-free and wheat-free. It is worth introducing it into your daily life!

Ingredient (1 smoothie)
1 cup Vanilla oat milk
1/2 cup Vegan vanilla yogurt
1 serving Vegan Pro – Cookies n' Cream
1 Half frozen banana
2 Medjool dates, pitted
1 tbsp Natural peanut butter
1/2 tsp Vanilla extract

Method : 
1. Mix all the ingredients until smooth and creamy in a blender.

By Katia Bricka
Writer at RAW Nutritional









1 comment

  • Manon

    Bonjour, j ai bien hâte d essayer vos produits .Il serait bien intéressant d obtenir la valeur calorique sur vos recettes.Y a t il une raisons pourquoi elles n apparaissent pas ?

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