Goji Berries Smoothie Bowl

5 minutes
Goji Berry Powder has many health benefits, and its antioxidant content is one of them. Giving your smoothie bowl this bright color, and nourishing your body would never been this easy with this simple smoothie bowl recipe.

Goji Berries Smoothie Bowl

This colorful smoothie bowl reminds me of the ones I ate in a small cafe located in Lagos during my trip to Portugal. I find it so refreshing, and perfect to eat on hot summer days!

The Goji powder used in this recipe has several benefits! It contains more than 20 vitamins and minerals, in addition to being an excellent source of antioxidants. Plus, it improves the immune functions and digestive system, promotes skin health, and supports eye health. Goji powder helps to keep good energy, detoxifies the liver, and stabilizes blood sugar.

Knowing all its benefits, all reasons are good to introduce it to your lifestyle and this smoothie bowl is a wonderful way to do it!

Ingredients (1 smoothie bowl)
¾ cup Coconut Yogurt
¼ cup Applesauce
1 tbsp Goji Berry Powder
¼ cup Frozen Blueberries
½ tbsp Chia Seeds
½ tbsp Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
Sliced ​​kiwi
Sliced ​​bananas

1. In a blender, combine the coconut yogurt, applesauce, Goji berry powder and frozen blueberries. Blend until smooth.

2. Scoop into a bowl and top with desired toppings (optional).

By Katia Bricka
Writer at RAW Nutritional


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