Vegan and Energizing Extra Green Smoothie

5 minutes
We all know that greens are great for our health, but we certainly don't like to taste them! This Vegan and Energizing Extra Green Smoothie is perfect for busy mornings when you need an extra dose of vitamins without making a compromise on the taste of your breakfast.

Vegan and Energizing Extra Green Smoothie

I find the colour of this smoothie so appetizing. I can guarantee you that it is just as beautiful as good! Its slightly sweet taste with banana and maple syrup is so good.

I really like the addition of spinach to add even more green. It's impressive how much you can't detect the taste of spinach! They really go incognito.

Ingredients (1 serving)
1 cup Unsweetened vanilla plant-based milk
1/2 cup Vegan vanilla yogurt
1 Frozen banana
1 cup Baby spinach
1 tbsp Alkaline Greens
1 tbsp Organic Ground Flax Seeds
1 tbsp Maple syrup

1. In a blender, combine all ingredients together and blend until smooth.

By Katia Bricka
Writer at RAW Nutritional

1 comment

  • Sarah Tunis

    J’adore cette recette: Délicieuse et saine!

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