5 Reasons Why You Should Start Yoga

5 minutes
Practicing yoga brings many benefits for the body and the mind. The muscles get relaxed, the joints are not overused, your mind is calm, and your thoughts are shut. Explore why you should try yoga!

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Yoga

Yoga is an increasingly popular sport. It is now quite easy to find a yoga center near you. On the other hand, it can also be challenging to start practicing this sport. It may seem inaccessible to us (when in reality, everyone can do it), appear too spiritual, too strange, etc.

However, practicing yoga brings many benefits that everyone would profit from having in their life.
Here are some examples of these benefits.

5 reasons why you should start doing yoga:

1) To take time to stretch (your body will thank you)
Having healthy muscles means having muscles that can contract AND relax. On the other hand, with stress and by practicing only muscle sports, this causes our muscles to contract and no longer being able to soften. It is from this moment that we begin to feel muscular tensions. At that time, yes, a massage can help, but, to prevent it, yoga can be a very good option. Stretching daily is necessary for a healthy body and preventing injury. By doing so, we also ensure a more pleasant old age.
If you want to know more about the importance of stretching and how it can benefit you, we invite you to read this article.

2) To relearn how to breathe
When was the last time you took the time to focus your attention on your breath? Do you take the time to breathe well every day? It’s so important, but also rare that we do it. Yoga allows this, but also allows you to relearn how to breathe well. Nowadays, we have a shorter and shallower breath located at the level of the rib cage. Yoga teaches us to lengthen our breath and to locate it at the level of the belly. It allows us to reduce our stress and be more in the present moment. It’s also a wonderful tool to apply to our routine.
If you want to learn more about breathing and know techniques to do at home, we invite you to read this article.

3) To move differently
Yoga is a sport that activates the whole body through postures that our body is not used to doing. These postures strengthen muscles that we do not use frequently, and it is very beneficial for our health.
Yoga also allows us to be more aware of our body and how we position it in everyday life. For example, we can realize that very often, we do not keep our back straight and can practice it through different postures.

4) To learn to be alone with yourself
This can be very overwhelming at first, but then bring great benefits to your life. This sport allows you to connect more to yourself and to be alone most of the time with your thoughts. The first time, it can be exhausting to find that our head never stops. We think
about what we could do instead, our grocery list, the coming dinner, etc. On the other hand, with patience and time, we realize that we manage to make more room in the present moment and a little less in thoughts. We feel calmer.
Then, it's exciting to be able to transfer this to our daily lives. You'll feel calmer not only when you are doing yoga, but also at home and work. You'll even realize how good it feels to be alone with yourself and be comfortable with it.

5) To make a personal journey
Generally speaking, yoga is a long and beautiful journey of personal development. Very often, we start to practice it for the physical sphere but then discover what yoga has to offer on the mental and even spiritual level. The teachers (it depends on their approach) make us think through questions and themes that they bring up each course.
This can then allow us to develop our self-confidence, our sense of observation, our patience, our connection to ourselves, and others, and much more.
To start yoga is, therefore, to take a moment for yourself and make room in your life for several benefits.

We invite you to try it!

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