5 Types of Workout to Do at Home

5 minutes
Being home doesn't mean not moving or exercising. There are 5 types of exercises presented in this article. All can be done at home, without any weights or types of equipment. If your children are around, even better, there is fun for everyone.

5 types of workout to do at home

When you train at home, it can be easy to always do the same exercises.

And if you always do the same thing, it may be normal to notice a decrease in motivation. At that time, it’s hard to get into action, and it can even become a vicious cycle of inaction. The less motivated you are, the less you move. The less you move, the less motivated you are.

How to increase this motivation AND have fun? By adding variety to your workouts! Try new ways to move. You may even discover a new passion.

To guide you in your exploration, here are 5 types of workouts you can do at home:


What does HIIT mean? These are known as high-intensity interval training. The principle is simple and quite effective: you give your maximum during an interval of time and then start again. Repeat until the end of your workout.

This is the perfect kind of workout if you don't have a lot of time to train, but want your time to be well spent. These are short workouts, usually around 30 minutes, but you end up sweating and your muscles shaking. There are many videos of these workouts on the internet.

Remember: This is not the type of workout we recommend doing every day of the week since they are very demanding. It demands a lot from the body, so it combines well with days of weight training and rest.

Rope Skipping

A perfect exercise to move a little during your day.

Do you think you've been sitting for too long? Take out your skipping rope and do it for 5 minutes. You will see that it does not take much time before your calves and your cardio work.

It's also great to do outside to get some fresh air at the same time.

Another option: Make a minute of skipping rope between your bodybuilding series. You will then have a little more cardio and intense training.


A training so fun to do! It doesn't take any equipment, and you will see a lot of work coming from your upper body and abdominal.

Often, you will do the movements without realizing the efforts, and you'll wake up with body aches the next day.

It’s also great for channelling negative emotions or stress.

Again, and like everything I tell you about in this article, there are many videos on the internet.

Hula Hoop

Yes Yes! The hula hoop can be a cardio workout that works the abdominals.

It also has the power to bring you back to childhood, to make you laugh, and even to make you spend time with your family.

Can't seem to spin the hoop around your hips? Try this simple trick:

Instead of making large circles with your hips, place your feet hip-width apart with one foot a little more in front than the other. Then swing from hip to hip. Kind of like being impatient and looking at your watch. You will see, it is much easier to succeed in the movement.

Remember: There are also better hoops than others that make movement easier. The lighter and smaller your hoop, the more difficult it will be.

Barre Workout

If you like dancing, this type of training is for you!

Why? Because it is inspired by ballet. You don't need any weight and you can use a chair to replace the ballet bar at home. You then use the weight of your body to do different sequences that will really challenge your muscles. On the surface, it may sound easy, but it is much more difficult than it sounds.

It's also great for working on flexibility, but it's certainly not a prerequisite to get started.

By Priscilia Vaillancourt

Writer at RAW Nutritional

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