Chocolate & Peanut Energy Balls

10 minutes
Enjoy our third Sweet Bites theme recipe: these energy balls are containing quite a surprising ingredient... Quinoa! What an incredible way to use it! Mixed with peanut butter and dark chocolate, this is a promising one!

Chocolate & Peanut Energy Balls

This energy ball recipe stands out for its main ingredient: quinoa, a fibre- and protein-rich food. Including it in energy balls is a winner since protein and fibre help support for longer. This recipe contains a Vegan Pro serving, which is also increasing the protein intake of these energy balls!

The chocolate and peanut combination is a classic much appreciated by many. This is what inspired me when creating this flavorful recipe with a unique texture, thanks to the quinoa.

So, here is the recipe that'll quickly become one of your allies for your snacks that will keep you going until your next meal.

Ingredients (6-8 balls)
1 cup White quinoa, cooked and cooled
2 tbsp Maple syrup
1 tbsp Organic Chia Seeds
1 scoop Vegan Pro - Chocolate
¼ cup Peanut butter
1 tbsp Pure Organic Cacao
20g Dark chocolate, melted (optional)


1. In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients except the cacao powder and dark chocolate with a spoon.

2. Place the cacao powder in a small bowl.

3. Form 6 to 8 balls with your hands, and cover them by coating them with cacao powder, one at a time.

4. Optional: Melt the dark chocolate. Decorate the coated energy balls.

By Popote ta vie
Writer at RAW Nutritional

1 comment

  • Anick

    Succulent!!!!!! Ils font désormais partie de ma routine mealprep du dimanche! Ma collation indispensable du lundi au vendredi 👌❤️

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