5 Ways to Lead a Better, Healthier Lifestyle

5 minutes
Being healthy is not just about being physically fit or hitting the gym multiple times a week. More often than not, it’s about mental health, where your mind is fit enough to let your body remain focused and perform at its best, and ultimately, it’s about finding true happiness and a way to be satisfied in life.

Being healthy means becoming and staying energized, productive and lively all the time.

Everyone deserves to be healthy, but only a few of us know the right ways and have access to the right tools to achieve that goal.

Being healthy is not just about being physically fit or hitting the gym multiple times a week. More often than not, it’s about mental health, where your mind is fit enough to let your body remain focused and perform at its best, and ultimately, it’s about finding true happiness and a way to be satisfied in life.

If you’re also looking to achieve the ultimate state of happiness, energy and health, you will find all the answers here.



Mental wellness is as important, if not more, as physical strength. What we feed our minds goes a long way in ensuring or wrecking our mental wellness.

Meditation is one of the best ways to keep your mind in check and gain more control over what thoughts you feed it.

Besides benefitting you with improved mental health, meditation is also known to help reduce body pain and increase sleep quality in humans, which leads to a productivity boost.


Sleep Well

Many health-related problems, especially the ones associated with mental health, are connected with sleep. These include, but are not limited to, depression, low immunity, chronic diseases, etc.

Research [1] says that on average, a person needs about 7-9 hours of high-quality night’s sleep (for adults) for their mind to remain active and gain back its power for the next day.

It may sound simple, but in general, we tend to ignore the benefits of a good night's sleep.

So, what can you do?

To start with, make a sleep schedule and remain stuck to it, no matter what.


Take Cold Showers

While most of us prefer a hot shower over the cold one, you may be surprised to know the benefits a simple cold water bath can give to your health.

For one, cold shower forces you to draw deep breaths, making an unexpected change to your breathing habit, which results in making you more focused and adapt to challenges.

Believe or not, cold showers are given as a part of some cold therapies, aimed at making the person adapt to the discomfort.


Revamp Your Eating Habits

By controlling what we eat and the duration between consecutive meals, we can do a lot of good for our health and improve performance drastically.

For instance, we all know that organic foods are far more healthy and nutrient-rich as compared to processed foods that we generally love to eat. By adopting a plant-based food regime and by eating more medicinal foods and herbs, we can significantly improve our health.

Protein is one of the essential food elements that our body needs to remain healthy and energetic all day long. We can get protein from plant foods like lentils, yellow peas, nuts, etc. as well as from organically-made plant-based protein powder. (Just 1 or 2 scoops of vegan pro along with a meal or shake can give you enough energy for the day.)

Walk Much

Besides eating well, you should also revamp your transport habits if you are serious about an overall healthy lifestyle.

Walk, as much as possible. Avoid taking a motorbike or a car for short distances. Walk barefoot in your garden or at beaches to let the Earth’s healing energy flow through your body.

It will help you relax and keep you more energized while relieving stress from your body and mind.


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