Get Answer to All Your Doubts About Vegan Protein Powder

8 minutes
Compared to other protein powders (e.g., whey, casein, egg, etc.), plant-based or vegan protein powders are more effective for fitness-friendly people, when it comes to maintaining overall good health and avoiding the risk of severe health diseases like high cholesterol, cancer, etc.

For health-friendly people, staying active and maintaining a good health and looking confidant matters the most today. Protein powder comes to play in the long run.

Protein powder is a very popular nutritional supplement that is extremely beneficial for health-conscious people and helps build & repair muscle, broken tissues, enzymes and hormones in their body. Protein powders are also used by some people in their weight management programs.

A variety of protein powders are available in the market - plant-based or dairy-based being the most common ones. Compared to other protein powders (e.g., whey, casein, egg, etc.), plant-based protein powders are more effective for fitness-friendly people, when it comes to maintaining overall good health and avoiding the risk of severe health diseases like high cholesterol, cancer, etc.

If you are someone who prefers a vegan lifestyle, it is a good idea to rely on a high quality, organic vegan protein powder like Vegan Pro.

Vegan Pro is absolutely the best tasting vegan protein powder available in the market today for those looking to stay energized and healthy by getting the necessary protein for their body from organic sources only.

Unlike other plant-based protein powders, it is completely free from soy, dairy, gluten, which makes it a great option for people dealing with allergies or food sensitivity issues, it also has low fat, low carbs, contain no artificial flavors and is an excellent protein-source option to satisfy your hunger during intense workout sessions & meet your fitness goals.

Here are some of the most common questions related to Vegan or Plant-based Protein Powder:

What is Vegan Protein Powder?

It is a plant-based or organic protein supplement that is free from artificial sweeteners and allergens and is also naturally healthy. It is a perfect supplement for anyone, including vegans who are looking to get the necessary protein for their body from organic or plant-based sources.

Plant-based protein powders like Vegan Pro are also naturally healthy, bloat-free, support lean muscle mass and enriched with high protein content.


Is Plant Protein Powder Better Than Whey Protein?

Whey protein powder is certainly the first choice of many athletes worldwide as it is a complete protein source with all nine essential amino acids. However, when compared to Vegan protein powder, they fall short as vegan protein powders are 100% natural and organic without any additional harmful additives.

Vegan protein tastes much better as they are less processed and is also a very good option for people who are lactose intolerant, Vegan powders like Vegan Pro are also easy to digest.

What Are the Benefits of Vegan Protein Powder?

Here is a short summary of all the benefits of Vegan protein powder:

  • Easy to digest and non-bloating

  • Rich Source of Fiber

  • Perfect Protein Source for lactose-intolerant people

  • Reduces the risk of severe health diseases like prostate cancer, high blood pressure, etc.

  • Supports lean muscle mass, muscle recovery and weight loss in the body

  • Supports healthy growth of bones and tissues


What Are the Different Types of Vegan Protein Powder?

Types of Vegan Protein Powder

A wide variety of plant-based protein powder is available in the market today. Some of the most popular ones include pea protein, soy protein, hemp protein, pumpkin seed protein, flaxseed protein, brown rice protein, etc.

How Much Protein Should I Eat Daily?

Well, the amount of vegan protein you should intake every day depends upon a number of factors - your health and fitness goals, activity type, intensity level, and so on. In general, 50 grams to 100 grams of protein is recommended by fitness and health experts for an average person.


Should I Mix Plant Protein with Other Protein Sources to Get a Complete Protein and All Other Essential Micronutrients for the Body?

In general, most protein powders are low in one or more amino acids and micronutrients essential for our body. Hence, it can be mixed with other sources. Although if you don't want to mix it, you can use high-quality plant-protein powders like Vegan pro that contain all the vital amino acids and micronutrients to help you meet your fitness goals while keeping you healthy.

Does Eating Protein Increase My Body Fat?

No, eating protein contributed to the building of lean mass, support muscle growth, recovery, catalyze chemical reactions, transporting molecules. It does not increase body fat.


What's the Difference Between Animal and Plant-Based Protein Powder?

The most crucial difference between both animal and plant protein powder is amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein and very essential for the human body.

So, most of the animal proteins are considered as a complete source of protein because they contain all the amino acids, essential for the body, whereas most of the plant proteins are considered as incomplete as they lack 1 or 2 essential amino acids.

Although plant-based protein powders can be complemented with some other protein-rich food sources to meet the required protein intake of the body. For example, plant-based foods like quinoa and buckwheat are the two complete sources of protein that can be added with vegan or plant protein powders.

Should I Eat Plant-Protein Powder During Pregnancy or Nursing?

During the pregnancy, you should always consult with your doctor or gynecologist before taking any additional protein supplement for your body to meet your health or fitness goals. You should always consult with your doctor about the products labeled as plant-proteins that you wish to use to avoid any health risks.


Are All Plant-Protein Powders Free from Gluten?

No, all plant-proteins are not free from gluten. Some of the plant-based protein powders are derived from grains and seed other than rye wheat, etc. which are naturally gluten-free. Check out the product label to confirm the same.

Vegan Pro is one such plant-based protein that is free from gluten, dairy, and soy as well.

Do Vegetarians or Vegans Need More Protein to Meet Their Fitness or Health Goals?

The recommended dietary protein intake for any normal individual is 0.8 grams per kilogram of his/her body weight. It applies to vegans or vegetarians also. Hence, they don't need any extra amount of protein to meet their fitness or health goals.


Are All Plant-Based Protein Powders Free from Allergy or Food Sensitivities?

No, there is always a possibility of cross-contamination or added gluten ingredients in plant-based protein powders, and it largely depends upon the particular protein maker company.

Ready to dive into a vegan protein powder test? Try one among our 6 flavors!

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