Articles de blog

Suivez le blog de RAW Nutritional pour des informations sur la santé, le bien-être et la nutrition, ainsi que du contenu sur la forme physique.

4 minutes

Tips and Benefits of Mindful Eating

Eating mindfully means being 100% present while eating, and according to your attention to your hunger cues, the tastes of your meal, and your level of satisfaction. Being more mindful while eating brings a tone of benefits such as better digestion, and being more satisfying with the same meals. Find our tips on how to be more mindful. 

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4 minutes

The Truth About Yoga Myths

There are some myths around yoga, and those myths often drive people away from trying yoga. With the multiple benefits, yoga has to offer, giving a read to this article to learn the truth about yoga is worth it.
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3 minutes

Vegan Essentials For Your Kitchen

The vegan diet is simple and delicious. The list of non-vegan food can seem long. However, when you know the MUST HAVE ingredients to have on hand to live a vegan lifestyle, the possibilities become endless. The article presents multiple vegan essentials to facilitate your next trip to the grocery store.
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5 minutes

Tips for an Effective Meal Prep Day

Meal prepping your meals ahead of time make you save time during the week and makes you eat better. However, having the same meal all week long, and losing 4-5 hours in the kitchen for a few meals ain't worth it. In this article, find out how to have an efficient meal prep day and actually enjoy the meals you are making.
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4 minutes

Conseils simples pour boire plus d'eau

L'eau est essentielle à notre vie, tout comme la boire! Consommer suffisamment d'eau aide votre corps à accomplir ses tâches quotidiennes. Si vous essayez de boire plus d'eau pendant la journée et que vous avez du mal à y parvenir, lisez cet article.
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3 minutes

5 raisons de s'entraîner à la maison

Dans cet article, découvrez pourquoi il est plus que pratique de vous entraîner à domicile. Avoir accès à une salle de sport est génial, mais l'inverse ne peut pas être pris comme une excuse pour ne pas bouger votre corps. Déplacez-vous dans le confort de votre maison sans aucun compromis.
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5 minutes

Comment être ou rester motivé à s’entraîner ?

La formation ne doit pas être une corvée. Il est censé être fait de manière saine, pour s'amuser, pour bouger votre corps et libérer votre esprit. Trouvez quelques conseils pour vous motiver à faire de l'exercice.
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5 minutes

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Yoga

Practicing yoga brings many benefits for the body and the mind. The muscles get relaxed, the joints are not overused, your mind is calm, and your thoughts are shut. Explore why you should try yoga!
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6 minutes

Oats: Benefits and Original Ideas of Using It in the Kitchen

Oatmeal is a common dish across the world since oats are cheap, convenient, delicious and have a great nutritional profile. However, they are multiple ways of os consuming and using oats in your kitchen. Savoury meals can be made using oats, a way ofter forgotten.
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3 minutes

Do Less, but Better

Having more on our plate if often glorified, the more we do, the better we feel. We feel more accomplished... Until we took too much on our plate and are not as productive anymore. Learning to do less and cleaning up our schedule is beneficial to be better, and invest our time wisely.
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5 minutes

How to Get More Energy Without Caffeine

Coffee tastes good to some, makes some feel energized, and is a staple for many. However, there are some down points to caffeine, especially too much of it. In this blog, you'll read tips to get energy without caffeine. 

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4 minutes

Nutritional Yeast: A Must-Have Vegan Ingredient

Getting rid of dairy/cheese is one of the hardest parts of converting to being vegan for many people. Nutritional yeast has a distinct and unique flavor that can remind you of the taste of cheese. It's not exactly the same, but it will grow on you. Read how to add nutritional yeast to some of your dishes.
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5 minutes

Mieux vivre en se reconnectant à son souffle

L'action de la respiration peut sembler facile, sans effort et naturelle. Cependant, respirer avec la cage thoracique n'est pas la bonne façon de le faire. En quelques minutes, vous remarquerez que votre ventre ne se gonfle pas et ne se dégonfle pas autant que votre cage thoracique. Apprenez à atteindre une respiration complète dans cet article.
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5 minutes

What to Do with Silken Tofu and How to Cook it?

There are multiple types of tofu, from extra-firm, to silken. They can bu used differently in a wide variety of recipes. Silken tofu can be used for savory and sweet recipes. In this blog, find out delicious ways to incorporate silken tofu to your meal.
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2 minutes

Les légumes à ajouter à votre smoothie

Ne vous méprenez pas, un smoothie aux fruits est délicieux, frais et sucré. Cependant, l'ajout de légumes est un bon moyen d'augmenter votre consommation de légumes, ainsi que d'avoir un smoothie aussi bon que fruité. Dans l'article, consultez des conseils et des idées de combos pour votre prochaine création matinale.
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5 minutes

Cauliflower: A Versatile Food in the Kitchen

If you've been having your vegetable the same way every week, and start to feel like your meals are becoming routinely, read this blog to get inspired on how to prepare cauliflowers in delicious ways.
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5 minutes

5 Reasons To Include Strength Training For Women

Strength training also has some fantastic health and fitness benefits for women. Among the many reasons, the top 5 are given below for women to include strength training in their gym routine.
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4 minutes

The Resolutions and Intentions for a Healthy 2020!

As we step into 2020, let go of your old habits, the bad one, keep the good ones, and add a bit more of those. Don't strike for too much change quickly, get it one day at the time, one week, one month... Check some tips to make positive changes to your life, while progressing at your rhythm.
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5 minutes

On the Road Snacks: 6 Healthy Road Trip Snacks Ideas

Are you planning for a family vacation or a road trip? We have some healthy snacks idea to eat while on the road that will keep you feeling nourished, healthy, and also avoid any health issue on the road trip.
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7 minutes

What You Need to Know about BCAAS in Plant-Based Protein Powder

Vegan BCAA is a popular dietary supplement that is usually sold in powder form. BCAA is an essential amino acid and must be obtained through your diet. BCAAs are a combination of three important amino acids - leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine.
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3 minutes

VEGAN BCAA by RAW Nutritional - All You Need to Know

Raw Nutritional is proud to announce the launch of Vegan BCAA as the latest addition to our extensive range of health products and supplements. Vegan BCAA is a complete and vegan source of BCAA, containing L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine & L-Valine in 2:1:1 ratio.
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4 minutes

The Well-Being Rituals to Implement to Live a Harmonious Holiday Season

Chrismas time, and pretty much the entire month around the holidays are filled with joy and love. However, it can quickly become chaotic in the stores, crowded in your house, and increase your stress level! This is not what we want. Staying relaxing and enjoying this time of the year is the key to start the next year fresh!
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5 minutes

5 Ways to Lead a Better, Healthier Lifestyle

Being healthy is not just about being physically fit or hitting the gym multiple times a week. More often than not, it’s about mental health, where your mind is fit enough to let your body remain focused and perform at its best, and ultimately, it’s about finding true happiness and a way to be satisfied in life.
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5 minutes

Top 6 Interesting Facts About Veganism

Veganism has been respected globally by the masses, considering its benefits for human health, animals, and the environment. So, before you take no-eggs, no-meat, plant-only food route, here are the top 6 interesting facts about veganism that might surprise you:
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4 minutes

How Can a Vegan Diet Improve Your Gut Health?

Opting for a low-processed food or plant-based diet is one of the best ways to improve your gut health, blood sugar level, and body weight.
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3 minutes

Improve Your Quality Of Life With Stretching

Stretching is still not as popular as it should be, considering the beneficial effect on the body. Stretching, yoga pose or movement under tension like those can bring a positive impact on your mind, muscle mobility, and you might let it be part of your daily routine!
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5 minutes

Green Powders: Are They As Good As Veggies

Green powders, as the name suggests, are green vegetables and some other nutrients in powder form. Theoretically, raw green powders should be as healthy as green vegetables, as these are simply green veggies turned into powder. But, that’s not always the case.
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5 minutes

Boost Your Immune System With These 6 Superfoods

If you are also someone who is looking for certain foods that help you avoid cold and flu in the winter season, as an example, then you must certainly have a look at these top 6 immune system booster food. You can plan to include these healthy superfoods in your daily meal.
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Collations express saines (versions sucrées et salées)

Trouver une collation rapide et saine peut parfois être trop simple pour y penser! Voici une liste de collations sucrées et salées que vous pouvez préparer à l'avance, à préparer à la dernière minute.
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8 minutes

Get Answer to All Your Doubts About Vegan Protein Powder

Compared to other protein powders (e.g., whey, casein, egg, etc.), plant-based or vegan protein powders are more effective for fitness-friendly people, when it comes to maintaining overall good health and avoiding the risk of severe health diseases like high cholesterol, cancer, etc.
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