
Blog Articles

Follow RAW Nutritional's blog for health, wellness and nutrition insights, as well as fitness content.


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2 minutes 30 secondes

Our best tips for a stress-free and organized back-to-school

Our best tips for a stress-free and organized back-to-school We know that going back to school can be a stressful...

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3 minutes

12 nutritious back-to-school snacks

12 nutritious back-to-school snacks In need of something quick and nutritious to grab-and-go for school or work? We got you...

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5 minutes

The Mind-Body Connection: Why Protein is Key to Mental Well-being

The Mind-Body Connection: Why Protein is Key to Mental Well-being Protein is often associated with physical vitality, particularly through its...

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3 minutes

Looking for more mental clarity and focus? Here are 5 supplements to try!

Embarking on a vegan journey brings a myriad of health benefits, but what about ensuring your brain receives the essential nutrients for peak performance? In this exploration, we unveil key vegan supplements that act as allies in enhancing mental clarity and focus, contributing to both your cognitive function and ethical lifestyle.
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4 minutes

The Beauty of Vegan Superfoods: Nourishing Your Skin From the Inside Out

Consistently incorporating vegan superfoods into your diet nourishes your skin from within, promoting not only a radiant complexion but overall health and well-being. Embrace the beauty of these superfoods and let your skin shine with vitality.
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3 minutes

New mom, my tips for taking care of yourself

Becoming a new mom is a journey filled with both joy and challenges. With the demands of caring for a little one, self-care can often take a back seat. However, understanding the importance of looking after oneself is key to maintaining balance and well-being. We share five practical and effective tips for self-care amidst the busyness of motherhood.
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3 minutes 15 seconds

Moving while pregnant

Maintaining an active lifestyle during pregnancy can have numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. While it's important to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice, this article shares five practical tips based on my own personal experience as a new mother.
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2 minutes 15 seconds

8 decoration ideas for Summer

What's not to love about Summer? It's time to celebrate the return of warm temperatures, outdoor BBQ and pool party! In our opinion, the best way to prepare your space for the warm season is to add some quick and easy decorations. It really adds to the Summer experience!
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Our most refreshing recipes perfect for Summer

When you think of Summer, you think of cool, juicy, fruity and refreshing recipes to enjoy outside. Popsicles, smoothies, lemonade and fancy drinks - we got it all on this list!
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3 minutes 50 secondes

10 reasons to love Spring

Spring season can have a bad rep. Allergies, melting snow, mud, hot and cold temperatures... But it can also be a wonderful season to enjoy nature! New flowers, the return of birds and the warmer sunshine. Be ready to update your Spring bucket list!
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4 minutes 15 secondes

The benefits of adapting your training to your menstrual cycle (and how to do it)

Did you know that your menstrual cycle could be more important than you thought for choosing which sport or activity you should do daily? In this article, we share everything you need to know to adjust your workout schedule with your menstrual cycle.
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2 minutes 35 secondes

How to have a fulfilled life?

It's possible that with the coming of Spring, you feel that you need to change some things in your life. And it's totally normal! You don't have to be afraid to take the time to ask yourself some more profound questions and to make changes to feel your best!
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5 minutes 20 secondes

What to do during a snowstorm

If you live in the northern hemisphere, there are chances that you have already experienced a snowstorm. We often need to stay home, and it can be quite boring. But fear not: we have lots of ideas to you to enjoy the next time you have to stay inside because of the snow!
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4 minutes 20 secondes

Our best desserts for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is often associated with indulgent food and desserts. At RAW, we are all in for decadent recipes with a twist of nutritious superfoods. In this article, we share a list of our best desserts to share with lovers or friends and some single-portion for a solo night.
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4 minutes

Myths or realities among vegans

There are still a lot of myths about veganism, even if the vegan movement has grown in the past years. In this article, we share with you 5 common ideas and whether or not they are myths or realities.
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4 minutes 15 seconds

Top 10 Activities To Do as a Couple

Whether you are in a long-term relationship or with a new lover, it's possible you will need some couple or date activities sooner or later. Why not pick one idea per month for the year? You can each take your turn for who decides the next activity!
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3m 30 secondes

How to Survive the Lack of Sun Light?

It's well known the amount of light that we are exposed to makes a real difference in our mood. That's why we tend to be more groggy and have less energy when the sun sets earlier in the colder months. Here are 5 tips for surviving this change of luminosity.
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4 minutes 40 secondes

What To Do During the Fall Season

The beginning of a new season is the best time to tackle more activities on your bucket list! The fall season offers us the perfect temperature for outdoor and indoor activities. Here are 5 ideas to try in the next weeks.
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4 minutes

Everything You Need to Know for a Successful Lunch Box

September only means one thing: it's the back-to-school season! And probably one of the biggest challenges related to that is to find inspiration to make nutritious and fun lunches. In this article, we offer you 5 tips you need to know for a successful lunch box!
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3 minutes

What to Do at Home on Hot Days?

We tend to feel guilty for staying home when it's sunny outside. In my opinion, it is very normal to want to stay at home if the temperature does not make you feel comfortable! Here is a short list of things to do at home during a heat wave.
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3 minutes

What to Bring for a Short Road Trip?

Who says summer, says road trip! We love making little road trips. For us, it can be a multi-day getaway as well as just one day out. We like to drive a lot, so we don't mind spending hours behind the wheel to see beautiful landscapes. Here are our essentials for your next road trip!
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7 minutes

3 Favorite Products to Support Our Hormones and Our Menstrual Cycle

3 favorite products to support our hormones and our menstrual cycle While chatting with my partner recently, I shared with...

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3 minutes

10 Reasons to Love Summer

We cannot lie; summer is probably our favourite season for a multitude of reasons. In this article, we share with you 10 reasons to love that hot and sunny season. We hope that our love for summer will be contagious, and don't forget to put sunscreen on!
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4 minutes

Spring cleaning : my 5 tips

It's that time of year again: you open your windows, take the trash out and play your favourite playlist for spring cleaning! Even if it seems really simple (and it is!), some tips can never hurt, no? Find your gloves, and be prepared to dust it off!
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4 minutes

Positive Thinking

How to stay positive towards challenges in your life without being toxic? It could be a little bit difficult to find the right balance. We give you more answers, tips and examples in this article on how to integrate positive thinking to live a fulfilling life.
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4 minutes

10 Essentials for a Cocooning Day

Selfcare has become way more important these past few years. We feel like you all deserve to take some time off and focus on what brings you happiness and wellbeing. Here are a few tips for a perfect cocooning day!
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3 minutes

Hosting for the Holidays in 5 steps

Planning your holiday festivities can be overwhelming at times... Don't forget to read our tips to be well-prepared for this season coming up! Being organized for these special events is a must, and it will help you reduce any related stress.
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3 minutes

6 Tips for Eating More Fruits and Veggies

If you're looking for different ways to integrate fruits and vegetables into your routine, this article contains many tips for you! There are a lot of existing options, and even though it may seem hard, it's actually very easy.
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3 minutes

My 5 Tips for a Successful Back-to-School

We're almost at the end of August, and that means that school will begin again soon. We know how complicated and overwhelming it can sometimes become, so we'd like to share some tips to help.
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